Email and SMS marketing are growing digital marketing techniques around the world and still remain as important as before. Through Email and SMS platforms, Datanine helps you grow your business through building stronger customer relationships.
Our established marketing program will offer multiple strategies to market your services and products via Email and SMS.
Email Marketing
Email is the preferred method for sending mass messages and reaching audiences. Email marketing is the single most powerful channel to reach your audience with a number of different objectives.
How to operate email marketing
Create an email list
Choose a service provider
Create an attractive html template
Send emails at regular intervals
Grow your email list
SMS Marketing
SMS is a powerful engagement tool that allows businesses to send brief and timely messages to their customers. Fewer businesses run SMS marketing campaigns, which means you have a higher chance of standing out in your audiences’ inboxes.
How does an SMS campaign work?
Create a concise and powerful text message
Build a phone number list
Select a reliable service provider
Grow phone number list
Analyse the feedback of the campaign
Avoid unfruitful phone numbers
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