Data Analytics and Business

Data Analytics and Business

A collection of small pieces of information is called data. “Data” is derived from the Latin word ‘datum’ which means “a piece of information”. Data is the plural of the word datum. Anything can be data such as images, words or numbers.

For scientists, mathematicians and statisticians there are two main types of data:
1. Qualitative – it describes things
2. Quantitative – numbers, statistics, measurements, etc.

Humans have been recording data since ancient times. Writing was born when there was a need to collect and store information. The data collected may be different information from different fields. 

Data Analytics is the science of analyzing raw data to make conclusions from that data.

Now, algorithms are used to work on data to get fast and better results. We can find inter-relationships between various sets of data which can be used to boost a business. With historical data, we use a technique called predictive analysis to get an insight into the future outcomes. Predictive analysis helps us to think and plan about future events which is the main advantage for businesses using data analytics.

A business can collect data from its customers, website visitors or purchased from third parties. By analyzing data, businesses get a competitive edge upon rivals. So data analytics becomes more necessary across businesses to expand their reach.

Data Analytics and Business
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